This page contains information about managing the participants of the applications.
Last updated
This page contains information about managing the participants of the applications.
Last updated
The individual APIs focus on managing individual customers associated with an the applications.
The endpoints include:
Retrieving individual details: Access the data related to a specific individual associated with an application, including personal details, completed mobile actions, and check details.
Resending invites: Reissue an invitation by generating a new code and sending an email.
Resetting individual data: Provides the ability to reset an individual. All information provided by the individual and check information will reset, and a new invite will be emailed.
Generating individual reports: Retrieves the individual's PDF report that contains their information and check data in a structured format. This PDF should be stored on your system as a durable record of the verification results.
These information captured by the individual and the checks performed are determined by the application type they have been added to.
Please note that the terms individuals and customer are used interchangeably.
The Retrieve Individual endpoint is primarily used for fetching data about an individual, including personal information, their current status in the application process, the results of any checks conducted, and a record of their accepted terms and conditions.
The Reset Individual endpoint will delete all information captured from the customer and all check data. The customer will also receive an email to confirming the reset with a new invite code.
This endpoint is useful when there is a need to clear previously submitted data for an individual, allowing them to restart or re-engage with the application process from a specific point.
The Retrieve Report endpoint retrieves a detailed PDF report of the individual's application. These reports include the captured personal information, the verification status, the check results and comments collected against the individual. These reports should be downloaded and stored on your system.
The Resend Invite endpoint resends invitation emails to individuals who have not yet completed their required mobile actions in the verification process. It serves as a tool for prompting and reminding individuals to complete the required mobile app steps.
Customers can also request a new invite code themselves through the mobile app.
A report can only be retrieved for an individual that have completed their verification process and are in the 'completed' state.
Generates and retrieves a detailed customer report for the specified individual.
No body
Resets all data and status of an individual identified by their ID. A new invite code is emailed to the individual.
Generates and retrieves a detailed customer report for the specified individual.
No body
Resends an invite code to an individual by email to continue with verification process.